Cleaning Registry Entry

SpyWare has been described as a malicious program that can wreck a reputable organization. It also has the ability to attack the window registry, which is an important area of computer operations.

Window registry can be define as the power house of the computer. All activities that take place in computer are registered in registry. Hardware installed in a computer has all its operations registered in the computer registry.

Therefore, when an unregistered program or freeware is installed in the computer, all the operations are registered in the window registry, this is why any computer that is infected with SpyWare must have its registry cleaned before it can start functioning perfectly again.

The stubbornness of a SpyWare is more pronounced in the computer if the registry remained unclean, because even an attempts to un - install the offending software from the computer does not have any effects until the registry of the computer is cleaned off, because some active files in the SpyWare simply refused to be uninstalled and an uninstalled files manifests itself to the computer user in form of hanging programs or a total crash of the hard disk.

This is why it is good have to have an effective anti - SpyWare that will clean the computer inside and outside. Education of computer users about the existence of computer window registry will go a long way in eliminating the general believe that SpyWares re designed only to capture private information, they should also be made to know that SpyWares can get hanged in the computer registry if the AntiSpyWare is not potent enough.

Efficient anti - SpyWare can be downloaded from the websites like CNET and other freeware sites, but the integrity of the website matters a lot, to avoid downloading a Adware that can mimic anti - SpyWare.

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Email Addresses Searching

Is It Really Worth Your Time Trying To Find Email Addresses?
It can be frustrating and a bit depressing losing touch with close friends of yours back in the day or even losing track of where family members have wandered off to. If you were to ask a few years ago if it was even worthwhile to try to find email addresses online, the answer would be a solid no. However, reverse email address services and lookup companies have made it easier than ever to find email addresses today.

The beauty of the internet today is that you can find just about anything you really want to. If you wanted to try and find certain email addresses on your own, you certainly could give it a try. Of course, you would have to invest a great deal of time and energy into finding the address, but the option is there.

No matter what your reasoning is for wanting to reconcile with old friends or relationships, it is important you realize that you can quite easily find them again on the internet. The internet is constantly evolving to make things easier and easier to find what you are looking for and who you are looking for in a timely matter.

Although it used to be near impossible to find someone's information on the internet, even with using search engines, reverse email services have made this task incredibly easy to find email addresses. This is a quick and efficient way to collect someone's phone number, address, work address, and any other information you desire.

What you need to do is go onto one of the major search engines and do a search for reverse email search. This will bring up millions of results and ways for you to pursue finding the information you desire. Although it can be difficult to distinguish one service from the next, take the time to look over a few different options. You should be able to determine which is most suitable for you depending on what you already know and what you are looking to attain.

There are spammers and hackers all over waiting to prey on you. However, reverse email services allow you to find email addresses and stay connected safely to those you have fallen out of contact with. You no longer have to settle with never having a final talk with your best friend or ex-partner. These services are more than worth your time as it can be a great way to get closure or reconnect to those you used to be so close to.

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Email Checking

How much is too much when it comes to checking your email? For many of us, we have multiple email accounts, which means that we have to check them multiple times each day- especially if most of our business is conducted online. For instance, whenever I am on the computer, I always have my main email account open in a tab on my web browser so that I can see when any new email comes in. It seems that anytime I'm not looking at my email, I receive a bunch of emails. But is there a limit on how often you should check your email so that it's not viewed as an obsession?

If you ask most people, it seems like you can't get one really solid answer on how much is too much when it comes to checking your email. A lawyer might check his email twenty times a day, while a stay-at-home mom might only check her email once. It seems that something as simple as checking one's email is not easily quantified. Rather, it is contingent on the person, the person's profession and how much of that person's profession and/or personal life is conducted in the virtual sense. It almost seems as if emailing someone has replaced all other forms of communication.

Can you remember the last time that you sat down and physically hand-wrote a letter to someone? What about the last time you called someone on the phone to speak to them versus writing them an email? Is email communication breaking down other forms of communication? Some would argue that this is exactly what is happening. People no longer know how to carry a conversation. They prefer to email someone over speaking to them in person or over the phone because it is less confrontational. Their attentions can be diverted to other things as they multi-task. The same thing goes for writing a letter. People prefer email because while you can be judged for spelling and accuracy, the other person on the other end of the line can't judge you based on your handwriting if it is typed up into a neat email. Whatever your opinion, there are those of us who find that our handwriting has actually gotten worse because we never have the occasion to practice it!

Email is a great form of communication, and it is certainly cheaper than calling someone or writing them a letter. However, sometimes email can become burdensome with things such as multiple accounts and spammers. One way to attack the spam problem is to utilize the "filter" option that comes with most email accounts. Also, be wary of opening mail from people you don't know. Spammers will often disguise themselves as people you may know by using the name of a friend or by addressing you by name. In some instances, opening up spam mail can cause your computer to become infected with a computer virus- something you definitely do not want. So, beware of the spammers. The next thing is to minimize the number of email accounts you have. Most email accounts provide the option of allowing you to integrate email information from a completely different email address into the new one with no problem.

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EvJO Photo-Image Resizer

Resize digital pictures and apply special effects easily and automatically. EvJO Photo-Image Resizer makes resizing multiple images as easy as downsampling a single one. Just select one or more pictures, drag and drop them onto EvJO Photo-Image Resizer, select your desired size and special effects to apply, and hit Convert to do the job. You can add watermarks, modify images’ brightness, contrast and saturation, and add frames and signatures.

Click here to download

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Mendapatkan uang dengan modal yang sedikit

Beberapa waktu lalu ketika saya sedang browsing sebuah website, sayamembaca sebuah risalah. Risalah/pesan tersebut, mengatakan bahwa saya bisa membuat modal awal yg hanya sebesar Rp60.000 (tidak termasukperangko dan amplop) berkembang menjadi puluhan juta rupiah dalam masa dua bulan. Namun, seperti biasa saya tidak mengindahkan danmenganggapnya pesan palsu lalu membiarkannya saja. Tetapi beberapahari kemudian saya menerima e-mail dari teman saya yg jugamemberithukan pesan yang sama kepada saya. Jadi saya pun terusmembaca seluruh pesan tsb dan memutuskan untuk mencobanya. Menurutpetunjuknya, saya dikehendaki mengirimkan Rp10.000 kepada 6 orangyang terdapat di dalam satu daftar pada pesan tsb sebagai modal permulaan. Kemudian saya hrs menulis NAMA dan ALAMAT RUMAH saya dibagian bawah daftar tersebut pada ruangan #6 dan saya dikehendakimengirim risalah yang telah berisi nama dan lamat rumah saya itukepada sekurang-kurangnya 100 email addresses dan web-site diskusi(forum, chat, message board, milis dll) dan saya mempunyai peluang untuk mendapatkan puluhan juta rupiah dalam waktu 2-3 bulan. Itusaja, dan karena saya pikir modalnya tidak begitu besar jadi sayamerasa tidak begitu risau. Tetapi saya tetap mempunyai pertanyaanterhadap program tersebut:

1. Apakah program ini sah di sisi hukum ? Saya menanyakan hal inikepada paman saya yang seorang pengacara. Dia mengatakan bahwa inimenyerupai surat berantai (chain letter) tapi karena setiap pesandilengkapi dengan informasi yg lengkap mengenai sistem programtersebut, maka hal ini sah di sisi hukum.

2. Adakah ini merupakan penipuan?. Menurut Paman saya lagi, tidakseperti surat berantai, di mana pihak yang menerima seolah - olahdituntut dan dipaksa utk melakukan apa yang dikehendaki oleh surattersebut, program seperti ini tidak memaksa atau menuntut siapa pun,dan memberi pilihan kepada pihak yang menerima untuk mengabaikanprogram ini sama sekali. Di samping itu, dengan semua informasi ygterperinci di dalamnya, menjadikan program ini sebuah bisnis yg sahdan boleh menguntungkan semua pihak asalkan mereka berusaha dan jujur.

3. Apakah ini suatu hal yg baik? Sudah tentu ya. Ini karana, siapapunyg rajin menghantar risalah ini, mereka berpeluang besar untukmendapatkan hasil yang lumayan (Silahkan membaca keterangan di bawah).Jadi setelah saya puas dengan jawaban tersebut, saya mem-poskan 6pucuk surat yang masing2 berisikan Rp10.000 dan membeli amplopbeserta perangkonya, saya pun menghantarnya ke alamat yang telahdiberikan. Kemudian, saya mengirim pesan/risalah yang telah di editdengan nama dan alamat rumah saya ke lebih dari 100 halaman webdiskusi dan alamt e-mail seperti yang dianjurkan. Dua minggukemudian, saya mulai mendapat hasil, berturut2 Pak Pos membawaberpuluh surat utk saya yg kesemuanya berisi uang Rp 10.000. Padamulanya lebih kurang Rp280.000, setelah 4 minggu jumlahnya mencapaiRp 1.300.000 dan pada 2 minggu ke tiga sudah mencapai lebih dariRp.12.000.000 dan jumlah ini akan terus bertambah. Jika dibandingkandengan modal saya yang tak seberapa tadi (Rp60.000), hasil ini sangatmenguntungkan.Jadi saya harap anda juga ikut dalam program ini. Anda boleh SAVEatau PRINT risalah ini dan digunakann sebagai rujukan untuk memulaibisnis anda. Dan yakinlah jika anda mengikuti betul -betul petunjukyg ada, anda akan memperoleh hasil yang memuaskan.

PENTING: Program ini bukanlah suatu penipuan dan tidak menyalahihukum; dan hampir TIDAK mempunyai RESIKO!!.Sekiranya anda JUJUR danRAJIN menyebarkan program ini, anda akan memperoleh hasil yang besar.

PERHATIAN: HARUSLAH MEMATUHI SEGALA PETUNJUK YANG DIBERIKAN,sekiranya anda mematuhinya, anda berpeluang memperoleh PULUHAN BAHKANRATUSAN JUTA RUPIAH. Program ini masih berjalan dgn sukses disebabkanoleh kejujuran dan kesetiaan dari seluruh anggotanya. Dgn programini, anda akan menyertai suatu bisnis Mail Order. Dimana, bisnis andatidak melibatkan penjualan barang, tetapi berbentuk pelayanan berupapembuatan daftar surat-menyurat (dimana anda dikehendaki utk membayarRp10.000 kepada 6 orang tersebut) dan pelayanan informasi kepadasemua org mengenai cara-cara menambah pendapatan melalui internet.Berikut ini adalah langkah-langkahnya :Langkah 1Sediakan 6 lembar kertas ukuran biasa dan 6 amplop surat lalu tulisdidalam setiap kertas tersebut seperti berikut:

Dari : (nama anda)

Kota : (kota asal anda)

Kemudian lipat kertas tsb sesuai dgn ukuran amplop dan masukkan uangkertas Rp10.000 ke dalam setiap lipatan kertas tersebut (untukmencegah pencurian. (adalah ide yg bagus jika anda membungkus uangtersebut dgn kertas yg berwarna gelap supaya orang lain tidak dapatmelihat isi surat tersebut), masukkan kertas dan uang tadi ke dalamamplop yang telah disediakan. Ini bermakna anda telah mempunyai 6keping surat yang masing-masing berisi Rp10.000 dan kertas berisinama dan kota asal anda seperti yg diatas. Apa yang anda lakukan iniialah satu pelayanan yang sah, dan tidak melibatkan penipuan, jadianda tidak perlu risau akan apa yang anda usahakan ini. Kemudian,pastikan setiap amplop berisi uang dan kertas tadi ditutup rapatsupaya tidak mudah di buka dan poskan kepada alamat-alamat di bawah:

Surat #1Siti Fardilla
Jln Damai Raya No. 9 Rt.05 / Rw.01Cipete Utara
Jakarta 12150

Surat #2David Christian
Jln A.R. Hakim Gg.IIA / 1255
Malang 65119

Surat #3Agus Wahyudi
Jln Ketandan Lor. 27
Yogyakarta 55122

Surat #4Tahira Asri
Manyar Kartika III / 33
Surabaya 60118

Surat #5Kukuh S.B
Jln Gandaria I No. 5Rt.003/Rw.08 Keb. Baru
Jakarta Selatan 12130

Surat #6 Dedy Setiawan
Jl Antasan Kecil Timur Gg. Sakabadana Rt.12 No. 98X Banjar Utara
Banjarmasin 70123

Langkah 2.

Setelah anda mengirimkan amplop yg berisi Rp 10.000 kpd 6 org diatas,kemudian coretlah nama pada alamat surat #1, dan pindahkan nama ygdibawahnya ke nomor atas (#2 ke #1, #3 ke #2, #4 ke #3, #5 ke #4 dan#6 ke #5). Kemudian masukkan nama dan alamat anda ke posisi no 6.Simpanlah program ini sebagai bukti dan SAVE risalah yang telah diubah suai itu sebagai salinan yang anda akan gunakan untukmengembangkan bisnis anda.Langkah 3Anda boleh mngubah atau menambah risalah anda yg baru. SAVE risalahbaru anda dalam bentuk yang mudah seperti *.txt dan sebarkan melalui internet. Ada 2 cara untuk menyebarkan risalah anda; yaitu melaluiweb sites NEWSGROUPS (DISKUSI, FORUM, MESSAGE BOARD, EMAIL-LIST /MILIS) atau melalui E-MAIL dan CHAT. Tentu saja merupakan hal yg baikjika anda mencoba semuanya untuk MEMAKSIMALKAN KEUNTUNGAN ANDA.Keterangan tentang kebaikan dan cara mengirimnya terdapat di bawah.

Melalui newsgroup iaitu web sites yang berisi diskusi, forum ataumessage board, anda boleh mendapat keuntungan tanpa mengenal ataumengetahui siapa yang telah membaca pesan anda. Walaupun hal initidak begitu baik dari segi keamanan kerana anda tidak bisa mengawalorang bawahan anda, tetapi anda boleh menyebarkan risalah anda kepadaratusan orang dgn sekali klik. Di dunia terdapat lebih kurang 30 jutapengguna internet (berbahasa Indonesia) dan setiap hari diperkirakanlebih dari 100 org pengguna internet baru mendaftarkan diri diIndonesia, bayangkan berapa banyak orang yang bakal menyebarkanprogram yg berisi nama dan alamat anda. Dan setiap orang yangmenyalin risalah anda akan mengirim uang kpd anda sebesar Rp10.000!!!Sekiranya dalam masa 2 bulan 10000 orang mengirm Rp10.000 kpd andamaka anda akan memperoleh Rp100.000.000 Cara mengirim ke websites diskusi:1) Anda tidak perlu mengetik semula semua isi program ini, anda hanyaperlu pilih menu EDIT-SELECT ALL (atau bisa juga menggunakan cursor)untuk memilih seluruh risalah dan kemudian pilih menu EDIT-Copy untukmenyalin risalah anda.2) Buka aplikasi 'notepad'(Start-Programs-Accessories-Notepad) danpilih menu EDIT-PASTE untuk memaparkan risalah anda dan setelahmembuat perubahan yang diterangkan diatas, pilih menu FILE-SAVE untukmenyimpan risalah baru anda sebaiknya dalam bentuk *.txt (biasanyaotomatis).3) Buka Netscape atau Internet Explorer dan pergi ke halaman web-searchers seperti Yahoo, lycos, google, altavista dll untuk mencariwebsites diskusi, online forum, message board, email list/milis ygberbahasa Indonesia.4) Buka halaman web tersebut, dan pilih diskusi, forum atausebagainya dan hantar risalah anda. Anda perlu mengisi kolom SUBJECTsebagai judul anda dan buka risalah anda tadi, pilih menu EDIT-COPYuntuk menyalin, dan klik pada ruang untuk mengisi risalah anda padahalaman web tersebut dan pilih menu EDIT-PASTE pada Netscape atauInternet Explorer anda. ( Anda juga mungkin dikehendaki untukmendaftar diri pada halaman web tersebut, tidak apa-apa karena andahanya mahu menyebarkan kepada mereka yang ingin mencari sumberkeuangan yang sah, dan anda hanya menjalankan tugas anda)

Cara mengirim melalui email dan chat mempuyai kelemahan yaitu :jumlah orang yang anda bisa kirimi sangat terbatas tergantung padakemampuan anda, jika anda mengirim 100 E-mail, ini berarti hanya 100org saja yang akan melihat program ini.Cara menghantar risalah melalui E-Mail & Chat:1) Buka E-mail anda dan pilih compose untuk menghantar e-mail anda.2) Isi SUBJECT nya dan buka risalah anda tadi, pilih menu EDIT-COPYuntuk menyalin, dan klik pada ruang untuk mengisi risalah anda padahalaman email tsb dan pilih menu EDIT-PASTE pada Netscape atauInternet Explorer anda. tuliskan alamat e-mail rekan anda (anda jugaboleh menghantar hingga 20 alamat e-mail serentak tergantung padajenis e-mail anda dengan meletakkan alamat-alamat lain di dalam kolom'cc:') dan kemudian klik 'SEND'. Anda juga bisa melakukan "forward"namun dianjurkan utk tetap melakukan copy and paste agar semuainformasi pada email terdahulu bisa tercopy seluruhnya. Itu saja!!!, tetapi anda perlu ingat! Coba hantar kepada sekurang-kurangnya 100 alamat e-mail untuk mendapat keuntungan yang banyak.Lebih banyak alamat e-mail yang anda hantar, lebih besar peluang andauntuk mendapat hasil yg lumayan. Namun, sebaiknya kirimlah risalahanda ini melalui semua cara yang dianjurkan untuk menggandakankeuntungan anda.(Keteranngan keuntungan terdapat di bawah)Ingat! Patuhi segala peraturan yang telah ditetapkan!! Dan lakukandengan jujur, rajin dan konsisten.

Ini bagian yg paling menarik, katakanlah anda telah menghantarrisalah anda kepada 100 newsgroup dan 100 E-mail dan hanya 10 orangyang menyertai program ini (10 orang saja, jumlah yg sangat minimum),pada 2 minggu pertama anda akan mendapat 10 x Rp10.000 = Rp100.000.Kemudian setiap 10 orang tadi berhasil mendapatkan 10 orang di bawahmereka masing-masing, ingat sekarang nama anda naik ke posisi nomor 5dalam daftar, maka hasil yg akan diperoleh 10 x 10 x Rp10.000 =Rp1.000.000. Setelah itu, setiap 100 orang berikutnya mendapat 10orang di bawah mereka, kini nama anda terletak di #4 maka anda akanmendapat 10 x 10 x 10 x Rp10.000 = Rp10.000.000. Kemudian katakanlah1000 orang tadi mendapat 10 orang di bawah mereka dan nama anda di#3, anda akan mendapat 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x Rp10.000 = Rp100.000.000.Sekarang, nama anda terletak di #2 dan seterusnya setiap 10000 orangtadi mendapat 10 orang dibawahnya maka jumlah uang yg akan andaperoleh : 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x Rp10.000 = Rp1.000.000.000. Dansampai nama anda ke nomor terakhir (#1), maka jumlah uang yg mungkinakan anda terima yaitu sebesar : 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 xRp10.000 = Rp10.000.000.000. Bagaimana? Tentu menarik kan, dan ingat jumlah peserta yg diatastermasuk jumlah yg minimum yg mungkin akan bergabung. Dan jika namaanda sudah keluar dari daftar, ambil saja risalah terbaru dariinternet, dan anda bisa memulai dari awal lagi. Ingat, selagi andamelakukannya dengan JUJUR dan RAJIN, bisnis ini bakal menjadi sumberkeuangan anda di masa depan. Malah, jika anda melakukannya denganbetul-betul, kemungkinan anda tidak perlu lagi bekerja di masa depan.Anda tidak perlu takut, walaupun pastinya terdapat golongan yangtidak jujur tetapi ada lebih banyak lagi orang2 yg jujur dan inginserta sanggup melakukannya, Jadi apa yang anda tunggu lagi. Ingat,terdapat lebih kurang 30 juta org Indonesia sbg pengguna internet danlebih 100 org Indonesia pengguna baru yang mendaftar setiap hari diseluruh dunia!!! Oleh itu jangan ragu-ragu lagi.PERINGATAN : Jika anda ingin melakukannya dengan cara yg tidak jujuryaitu tanpa membayar Rp10.000 kepada nama-nama di dalam daftardiatas, percayalah, anda tidak akan mendapat keuntungan yangmemuaskan. Ada banyak teman2 saya sendiri yg coba membuat sedemikiandan salah seorang daripadanya hanya mendapat Rp90.000 dalam waktu 4minggu dan ada di antara mereka yang hanya mencapai Rp3.000.000 dalamwaktu 3 bulan! Akhirnya teman tersebut membuat seperti yang disuruhdi dalam petunjuk risalah ini, dan 2 minggu kemudian dia berhasilmemperoleh lebih dari Rp4.000.000. Pastikan anda JUJUR dan pastikanorang di bawah anda bermain dengan JUJUR, maka keuntungan yang besarmenanti anda.PENTING !!!!Anda juga mungkin perlu menyewa kotak pos untuk surat-surat yangbakal anda terima karana jumlahnya banyak sekali bayangkan 10000keping surat yang anda terima nanti!!!



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StarBurn v.12

StarBurn is a powerful tool for grabbing, burning and mastering CD, DVD, Blu-Ray and HD-DVD media. StarBurn supports all types of optical storage media (including CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, Dual layer DVD-R & DVD+R, BD-R/RE, HD-DVD-R/RW and DVD-RAM) as well as a wide variety of burning hardware.
StarBurn is easy to learn and to use. In addition to advanced DVD authoring and mastering features StarBurn offers a number of step-by-step wizards for novice users.
New features of StarBurn v.12
Now Windows 7 is supported.
Burn Data Wizard: extended with full UDF support, Drag&Drop support and expert mode for advanced users.
Burn Audio Wizard: fixed long adding compressed files; extended with Drag&Drop support and expert mode for advanced users.
Compress Audio Wizard: now can be compressed a few files for one wizard passage; extended with Drag&Drop support.
and more

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Finance Planner

Finance Planner allows you to track all your expenses and incomes. Help you control your personal or family finances. With Finance Planner you can analyze your today’s financial situation, your historical information and plan your future transactions (expenses/incomes).
Key features:
Accounts which represent a real-life accounts such as bank account, credit card or cash money help you to track your current balance.
Tree-like structure of categories with the unlimited number of subcategories helps you to organize your transactions (expenses/incomes) better.
Reports help you to analyze historical information, understand where your money is going and cut down your expenses.

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Belajar Pascal

Baru - baru ini saya mulai belajar bahasa pemrograman dan yang saya pelajari adalah pascal. Trus ada yang nyuruh saya bikin program pascal untuk perkalian dan pembagian tanpa menggunakan operator perkalian ataupun pembagian, binggung juga sih pertmanya.... tapi Alhamdulillah bisa selesai juga.... Mungkin ini sekedar yang bisa saya sharing ke temen - temen.... sekalian minta komentar dan kritik membangunnya....









WRITELN(BIL1,' : ',BIL2,' x ',BIL3,' x ',BIL4,' = ',HASIL3);


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Falco Watcher 1.2

Falco Watcher allows you to observe by WEB-Camera. You can save with motion detector then view it, convert to AVI file. Very useful when you are out of home and want to see for your children

Click here to download

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Free Software - Virtual Disk

With Virtual Disk you can keep all your files organized, ready to use from any application. Your files are accessed from a virtual drive that allows you to freely reorganize your files without copying or moving them. Keep your work-flow running smooth with Virtual Disk.
Get Organized: keep all your working folders and files in the same place - on the virtual drive created by Virtual Disk. Stop all the unnecessary copying and moving. Create folders to manage files and folders mapped on the virtual drive.
Improve Efficiency: share your newly organized Virtual Drive with your friends, colleagues or anybody in on your network. Help increase your productivity both at home and in the office, with Virtual Disk - the advanced virtual drive mapping tool. Now you can finish all tasks efficiently and systematically on the virtual drive.

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Free Software - ArtStudio 1.2.1

Corner-A ArtStudio is powerful animation software that can bring to life boring static images. ArtStudio has a lot of build-in filters, it has hardware acceleration support, various export possibilities and simple interface - you don’t need to be an artist or designer to use ArtStudio. There are a lot of “screen-saver-makers” on the market, there are a lot of animation programs, but who else can give you extreme realtime perfomance with simplest interface?


  • All effect are hardware processed with video accelerator card.
  • Light and easy interface: all filters are simply drawn with mouse.
  • More than 20 built-in filters will help you to animate water, clouds, smoke and create other natural and abstract effects.
  • Result can be saved as screensaver (scr), standalone executable file (exe), flash animation (swf), gif animation (gif) or images sequence (bmp, jpg, or png).
  • No professional designer or artists skills required, almost everyone can animate favourite picture with ArtStudio.
Click here to download

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Free Software - SWF to Video Converter 2.4

Sothink SWF to Video Converter is a professional Flash converter for Flash SWF to video conversion. It converts Macromedia Flash SWF to AVI, MPEG, iPod/PSP (MP4), 3GP, animated GIF, image series and more other popular formats.


  • Convert Flash SWF to AVI, MPEG, iPod/PSP (MP4), 3GP, animated GIF
  • Convert Flash SWF to image series (BMP/PNG/GIF/JPEG)
  • Crop Flash movies freely before you convert Flash to video files
  • Add watermark, logo, copyright image onto the created video
  • Adjust the position and transparency of watermark
  • Adjust volume easily with a slider
  • Support adopting different Flash to video encoder (XviD, DivX, MS-MPEG V1/V2/V3)
  • Support Flash movies including Action Scripts, movie clips, and sound
  • The Flash file with human interaction can be captured interactively or frame by frame before Flash conversion

Click here to download

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Free Software - Sax2 3.0

Ax3soft Sax2 is a professional intrusion detection and prevention software (NIDS) which excels at real-time packet capture, 24/7 network monitor, advanced protocol analysis and automatic expert detection.

With the insights into all operations in your network, Sax2 makes it easy to isolate and solve network problems, identify network bottleneck and bandwidth use, detect network vulnerabilities, find reach of security strategy and signs of being attacked in the network of hazard, and then intercept and stop these connections.

Click here to download

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Free Software - Extra DVD Ripper Professional

Extra DVD Ripper Professional is a DVD ripping tool to rip your favorite DVD movies to popular iPod, MP4, AVI, Divx, XviD, VCD, SVCD, PSP, Mobile 3GP and Pocket PC video formats. With Extra DVD Ripper Professional, you can choose which titles, audio tracks and subtitle tracks of the DVD you want to rip. You can also set the video size, bit-rate, frame-rate and aspect ratio, and audio bit-rate and sample. Extra DVD Ripper has a user-friendly interface and you can rip a DVD with only a few clicks. Enjoy it!
Key features in Extra DVD Ripper Professional:

* Convert DVD movies to AVI DivX and XviD formats.
* Convert DVD movies to VCD-PAL, VCD-NTSC, SVCD-PAL, SVCD-NTSC MPEG formats.
* Convert DVD movies to Apple iPod MP4 format.
* Convert DVD movies to Sony PSP Video file.
* Convert DVD movies to Mobile 3GP formats.
* Convert DVD movies to Pocket PC.

Click here to download

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Free Software - Extra DVD to Audio MP3 Ripper

Extra DVD to Audio MP3 Ripper is a DVD movie soundtrack ripper and DVD to MP3 ripper that can extract audio from a DVD and rip DVD audio to MP3, WMA, WAV formats.
As a DVD audio extractor, DVD Audio Ripper has fast ripping speed, exceeding all expectations. It is a real time saver. The concise interface ensures that you can use the DVD to MP3 ripper with ease even the first time. It helps you extract music from DVD and provides you luxuriant sound effects.
What can Extra DVD to Audio MP3 Ripper do for you:

* Extracts DVD movie audio to iPod MP3 format.
* Extracts DVD movie audio to WMA format.
* Extracts DVD movie audio to WAV format.
* Specify the start and end positions of DVD Audio Track and Rip it to MP3 file.
* Converts each chapter to an individual file.
* Quick setting panel lets you easily choose Format, Audio Bit-rate, Channels, Genre, Author, Album, and Comments for each task in the list.
* Allows for automatic shutdown of your computer after a long batch conversion.

Click here to download

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Tips dan Trik – Membuat Virus Palsu

Jika komputer kita terkena virus, tentu kita pasti merasa jengkel. Apalagi virusnya membandel dan susah untuk dihilangkan. Namun, apa jadinya virus tersebut adalah virus palsu. Yah, walaupun palsu tentu cukup mengejutkan juga. Saya punya sedikit tips untuk membuat virus palsu yang bisa membuat mungkin teman kita terkejut. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan VBScript:

Cara buatnya:

  1. Buka Notepad caranya klik Start > Run lalu ketikkan notepad dan klik ok.
  2. Silakan Anda copy paste kan script berikut ke dalam notepad yang telah anda buka.

lol=msgbox ("Selamat Virus berbahaya terdeteksi di komputer Anda.Ini adalah virus jenis baru yang bisa menghancurkan komputer anda dalam sekejap, sayangnya belum ada antivirus yang bisa melumpuhkannya, jadi pasrah aja bos, sambil ucapkan innalillahi wainna ilaihi roji'un.Pilih YES untuk memformat harddisk Anda sekarang, atau NO untuk memformat harddisk setelah restart.",20,"Warning!!! Sistem Anda Telah Dibobol")

  1. Kemudian anda save dengan ekstensi .vbs contoh : viruspalsu.vbs
  2. Silakan anda copy paste kan file tersebut ke startup komputer teman Anda.

Hasilnya setiap kali teman Anda menghidupkan komputernya pesan virus tersebut akan muncul untuk mengejutkan teman Anda.

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Free Software - DHTML Menu 9.2

Sothink DHTML Menu is a simple but powerful navigation menu builder. The DHTML menu builder creates cross-browser drop down menus in seconds, compatible with IE 8, Google Chrome and more. Integrates with most popular web authoring tools. Building a search engine friendly DHTML menu becomes so easy.


  • Full cross-browser compatibility.(Supports the latest IE 8, Google Chrome, FireFox 3, Opera 9 and Safari 3!)
  • FREE integration with Dreamweaver, FrontPage, Expression Web and Adobe GoLive as add-ins/extensions.
  • Database driven JavaScript menus with ASP, PHP, JSP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion and more.
  • Tab Menu displays navigation menu items as tabs.
  • Keyboard navigation function controls DHTML Menu by keyboard, such as Press Alt + F2 to launch.
  • Multi-Column menus or Multi-Row menus available.
  • Fully customize properties, like font, icon, background, border, cursor, tool tip, surround, effects, alignment, transparency, size and etc.
  • Freely select and edit images as icon, arrow, background and separator from Image Library and Background Library.
  • Easily adjust the color, tint & brightness to edit the image or choose corners and edges separately for surround.
  • Any HTML code can be used within menu item.
  • Encode menu in the proper language.
  • Support W3C Valid XHTML 1.0.
  • Support any DOCTYPEs, and supports UTF-8.
Click here to download

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Free Software - LeaderTask 6.4

LeaderTask is a business organizer for a modern person. LeaderTask has a smart system for managing projects, tasks, contacts, events.
Want to complete more? Get tired less? Earn more? And permanently improve the quality of life, work hard less and contemplate peacefully more? LeaderTask will help you with that! LeaderTask = Scheduler + Personal Information Manager + Calendar + Address Book + Organizer!
Set your goals. Achieve them. Enjoy the time you’ve just saved. Work more effectively and have more free time than ever with LeaderTask! Forget the traditional task organizers. They are good if you live to work. They are great if you just want to plan things and be reminded. Have a life! Try the new generation organizer that helps you plan your work so efficiently that you have more free time than ever. More family time for you with LeaderTask!
This organizer will help you get rid of various time killers, see a clear life perspective, have a detailed view of tasks so you will set higher goals and achieve them. Make plans and stick to them. Think and find solutions. Measure and manage any resources in your life.

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